Supplier management

The implementation of a strategic process for managing providers allows your organization to obtain a provider analysis, from their selection to the evaluation of the services they provide, in order to determine the level of value that these providers offer your company and identify opportunity areas where the results of your investment can be maximized.

Most organizations lack adequate management of providers and the corresponding contracts, and therefore risk overpaying for services necessary for the day-to-day operations of the organization. Despite the necessity of these services, it is possible to reduce investment in them without affecting the activities of the company.  

Mazars offers the following services for management of providers:

  • Evaluation of current organization—provider relationships
  • Evaluation of provider management risks
  • Implementation of effective provider management strategy
  • Follow-up on provider management strategy

Our methodology is based on a holistic approach that combines processes, technology, and human resources with an emphasis on optimizing provider management in order to guarantee adherence to the agreements between client and provider, so your organization can take full advantage of its investment.

Are you interested in our supplier management services? Contact our team.